Depuy Hip Implant Recall
No Longer Accepting Cases
Products Recalled by Johnson & Johnson
Released court documents show that Johnson & Johnson was well-aware that 40% of the Depuy Hip Implants would fail within five years.
The Depuy Orthopedics unit of Johnson & Johnson has put forth what they call a voluntary recall of their ASR XL Acetabular System and its Depuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System. Before the Depuy hip recall, Depuy was selling these products since 2005 advertising the ASR XL as a “high-performance hip replacement”. They stated that the surgery only needed a minor incision and was based on a convincing clinical study. Unfortunately the ASR hip systems did not achieve what they promised and in early 2010, Depuy took out all the remaining ASR hip replacements from inventory.
In August 2010, Depuy received new and then unpublished data from the National joint registry in England showing that the revision rate of 5 years for the ASR Hip Resurfacing system is around 12 percent and 13 percent for the ASR XL Acetabular System. This meant that a higher number of ASR patients than previously reported to Depuy needed a second revision surgery.
Disappointingly, these products did not prove to work as the clinical study assured. The high demand for revision surgeries has caused the Depuy hip lawsuits all over the country. ASR patients who needed a revision surgery described symptoms such as pain, swelling and problems walking.
Product Liability Attorneys Can Help
As many families are now very much concerned about the damaging effects this surgery is having or had on their family member with an ASR hip product, we urge you to contact a Depuy hip recall lawyer to help you in your Depuy lawsuit. The Law Office of Pulaski Law Firm, P.L.L.C. is now working with clients to prosecute claims against Depuy for individuals that suffered because of the ASR hip replacements. The Law Office of Pulaski Kherkher PLLC has represented many clients who have suffered serious injury, damages from dangerous and defective products, medical malpractice and much more. All lawyers at this firm take great pride in their personal approach to the practice of law and their great client relationships. Over the last fifteen years, Pulaski Kherkher PLLC have brought thousands of cases to resolution.
If you have or had a Depuy ASR hip replacement or hip resurfacing and are suffering from problems with the device, you need to consult with a professional and experienced medical product liability attorney immediately. It is best to reach an attorney before you get a revision surgery so that probable evidence will be conserved. Also by law, you have limited time to bring legal action against Depuy for a failed ASR hip system, so we advice to contact us today and not delay any further.
If you have been forced to undergo painful surgery to replace a failed hip implant, contact the defective hip implant attorneys of Pulaski Kherkher PLLC at 800-223-3784 today.