When you take medication for any type of health condition, in nearly all cases, your physician will advise you of whatever side effects are associated with the drug as well as tell you what you should do if you experience any adverse reaction.
However, if you are taking any medication, you need to understand when an adverse reaction should be reported not only to your physician but also to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Whenever you are taking a new medication it is important to ensure you take the medication as directed as well as keep your doctor informed if you experience any side effects. Some of the potential serious adverse reactions you should report to your physician immediately include:
One of the most important things you can do if you are suffering the side effects of any medication is to file a report with the FDA. The process may be done in any of the following ways:
Consumer Reporting Form FDA 3500B may be filled out and sent by mail or sent by fax. Consumers can get help filling out the form at MedWatchLearn.
Call the Food and Drug Administration at 1-800-FDA-1088 to report by telephone.
Unfortunately, reporting adverse drug side effects does nothing to help you recover financially after you have suffered side effects or a prescription that you have taken has been subject to a drug recall or known to cause suffering or permanent injuries. You may be entitled to recover financial compensation for time you have lost from work, medical bills related to adverse drug side effects and in some cases, pain and suffering.