Diabetes Drugs Linked to Flesh Eating Genital Infection Fournier’s Gangrene

Currently Accepting Cases
The FDA issued a warning that some patients who are treated for Type 2 diabetes with SGLT2 inhibiting drugs may develop a flesh-eating infection that causes the death and decay of perianal, perineal, and genital tissues. This infection, known as Fournier’s gangrene or necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum is a serious condition that has severe complications including sepsis, acute renal failure, multiple organ failure, and even death.
If you or someone you love developed Fournier’s gangrene after taking Farxiga or Jardiance you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. Our Fournier’s gangrene attorneys are fighting for the rights of patients who were prescribed an SGLT2 inhibitor and developed a flesh-eating infection in their genitals and ensure they get the maximum redress legally available for damages.
List of Brand Name SGLT2 Inhibitor Drugs that May Cause Fournier’s Gangrene
Nearly 2 million patients were prescribed an SGLT2 inhibitor in 2017, and the combined sales of these drugs are expected to continue to grow to reach $7 billion by 2020. Unfortunately, 12 of the 13 SGLT2 inhibitors that are currently on the market have been linked to Fournier’s gangrene, and all were approved by the FDA over the last five years.
These SGLT2 inhibitor medications is now required by the Food and Drug Administration to warn on the labels about the increased risk of developing necrotizing fasciitis of the genitals or Fournier’s gangrene.
Symptoms of Flesh-Eating Genital Infection
Both male and female patients who are treated with an SGLT2 inhibitor must be aware of the symptoms of Fournier’s gangrene and seek medical attention immediately if symptoms present, including:

Tenderness, redness, or swelling of the area between the rectum and the genitals

Generally feeling unwell

Fever above 100.4 and other flu-like symptoms such as aches, pain, and nausea

Blisters or sores that ooze

Lightheadedness, fainting, fatigue
If you started treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor within the past year and notice the skin in the genital areas and inner thighs looks dusty or red, feels tender or begins to swell, or you develop an unexplained fever, seek immediate medical attention. This flesh-eating infection progresses rapidly and can quickly lead to severe and possibly fatal complications.
Bacterial Infection Developed within Months of Starting Treatment
According to the FDA warning communication, a dozen cases of Fournier’s gangrene were identified between 2013 and 2018 involving five female and seven male patients who were being treated with an SGLT2 inhibitor. Each of these patients was required to undergo hospitalization and surgical procedures to remove dead and decaying tissue from their genital areas. Some patients had to endure multiple surgeries, and some developed serious and life-threatening complications. One patient died from complications.
Currently, the FDA does not have data to develop a true incident rate for the drugs, but the risk of developing Fournier’s gangrene in new SGLT2 inhibitor patient’s is higher than expected. As more physicians and patients connect the development of genital gangrene with the medication they are taking and report it to the MedWatch program, the FDA should be able to develop better data.
Victims Are Seeking Justice
Across the country, patients are filing lawsuits against some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. The patients are questioning when the drug makers knew or should have known about the increased risks of developing a flesh-eating genital infection when starting an SGLT2 inhibitor and they are demanding to know why the drug manufacturers failed to warn patients and their doctors about these increased risks.
Each of the plaintiffs in these cases is seeking justice and significant financial compensation for the injuries they were forced to endure, including severe infections of the genital tissues, reparative surgeries, scarring, and disfigurement. Some of these plaintiffs suffered severe complications from the infection including sepsis, renal failure, and failure of multiple organs.
We Can Help
Our attorneys are filing lawsuits on behalf of patients who developed a rapidly progressing flesh-eating infection in their genital tissues after being treated with an SGLT2 inhibitor for diabetes. Patients have a right to make informed decisions about their health and medical care. When drug makers fail to warn physicians and patients about the risks, complications, and adverse events associated with their drugs, they deny patients their rights.
Now, these patients are demanding justice from the pharma giants who put profits before their patient’s wellbeing, and we are helping. Our firm has a long history of protecting the rights of patients who are harmed by the medications they are prescribed and making sure they receive the compensation they need and deserve for the injuries they suffered.
Contact us today to learn more about your rights and whether you are eligible to seek justice and maximum compensation for the damages you suffered as a result of SGLT2 inhibitor gangrene of the genitals.